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Sudan “killer line” disconnected


The notorious power line from Port Sudan to the Red Sea coast, which is estimated to have electrocuted hundreds and perhaps thousands of Endangered Egyptian Vultures since its construction in the 1950s, has been switched off. This decisive action by the Sudanese government and power company officials follows years of work by BSPB (BirdLife in Bulgaria), and ...

Double concern for the years’ births (Short stories from guards’ diaries)


The days of July, August, September are passing and the concern of nests' guards about the survival of chicks is culminating. Will everything go well? Will they fly? Will they succeed in migrating? The daily monitoring of the life of Egyptian vultures' families has undoubtedly affected the feelings of the guards. Feelings as fondness, stress, responsibility made them feel...

Monitoring of the Egyptian vultures in FYR of Macedonia 2012-2013


In the last 30 years the Egyptian Vulture population in FYR of Macedonia has dramatically declined, from estimated 140 pairs around 1983 to 40 pairs in 2003. Similar strong decrease has been also observed in the other Balkan countries, and the species is now considered extinct from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. Strong population decline has been...

The project for capacity building in the wintering grounds of the Balkan Egyptian vulture population finished successfully


photos: D.Gradinarov The short (only 8 months), but valuable project “Capacity Building to Support the Conservation of Migratory Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus) from the Western Palearctic on their Wintering Grounds in Ethiopia, Sudan and Chad” implemented in 2013 gave important information about vulture‘s wintering territories and built...

Svetlina in Ethiopia


We continue to present you interesting journeys of the young Egyptian Vultures. This time the focus is again on Svetlina. On the morning of the 22nd of November she left Yemen, crossed the Red Sea via Bab el Mandeb and entered into Africa through Djibouti. By the end of the day Svetlina reached Afar in Ethiopia where spent the night between 24th  and 25th of November...

2 out of 10… or where are the juvenile Egyptian vultures


Out of 10 juveniles that we tagged with satellite transmitters in 2013, only 2 survived. Unfortunately, in early October Ilina was found dead on a small island northwest of Rhodes. Ironically, her brother Ilin was found near his home nest , killed most likely from terrestrial predators . Unhappy destiny has also Ibrahim, whose last signal came to us on the 25 September...