Greek NSAP Workshops

Two workshops were held in relation to the development of the Egyptian Vulture National Species Action Plan in Greece (NSAP):

1) Kick-off international workshop for the development of NSAP in 2013


Two days international workshop on the development of the Species Action Plan for the Egyptian vulture took place on the 28 of February and 1st of March in Athens, Greece. A total of 27 experts from Spain, France, Italy, FYROM, Bulgaria and Greece and from different organizations and institutions (public authorities, research centres, universities, NGOs, etc) joined their efforts to draw conclusions for the necessary measures needed in the country in order to guarantee the survival of the species in the near future.

The main threats that were recognized as the driver of the strong decline of the Egyptian vultures in Greece were the illegal poisoning, the shift of the traditional livestock practices and the change of rubbish dump system. Together with the intensive monitoring and research, and minimizing the disturbance, these will be the main directions of conservation activities in the next years.

2) Consultation workshop for the approval of NSAP in 2014


A consultation workshop aiming for the approval of the National Action Plan for the Egyptian vulture in Greece took place on the 31st of October 2014 in Athens. In an effort to engage as many stakeholders as possible, representatives from different public authorities and bodies were invited in order to discuss different aspects of the Action Plan. Thus, over 50 people coming from different parts of Greece and different public bodies such as the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, the Ministry of Rural Development, Forestry Services, Management Bodies, Hunting Associations, other NGOs, etc, participated in the meeting.

Albeit the difficulties identified for the implementation of some of the SAP proposed actions, the participants agreed on the urgency and vital importance of the approval and implementation of the Action Plan in order to save the last Egyptian vulture breeding pairs in Greece.   

Meeting's outputs were compiled and sent for final agreement among participants and key stakeholders. After, the final version of the SAP was sent to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change for its official approval.

The Forest Research Institute of Athens is acknowledged for providing the venue and for the help during the organization of the event.

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The door of the artificial nest is now open

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