Anti-poison workshop in Bulgaria

© Green Balkans

At the end of March 2018 a workshop entitled "Collaboration and Increasing of the capacity to prevent mortality of Vultures from Veterinary and Medical Products and Poisons" was held in Stara Zagora. During the meeting more than 40 representatives of the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water, the Regional Food Safety Directorates, the Bulgarian Veterinary Service, the Association of Prosecutors in Bulgaria, Green Balkans, BSPB and FWFF discussed the problems with poisons, plant protection products and veterinary medicinal products, which have an impact on vulture populations.

At the end of the day a debate took place, where the greatest attention was paid to the sampling protocol in case of poisoning.

Second day was devoted to practical activities. The BSPB Antipoison Dog Unit – Nikolay and the dog Bars carried out a demonstration - Bars unmistakably managed to find the hidden animal carcasses in the area of the Green Balkans Rescue Center. There was also a brief training on taking toxicological material, storing it and sending it to a laboratory. The meeting ended with a debate focusing on case law in cases of poisoned animals, related problems and steps to solve them.

This meeting launched the cooperation with the competent authorities on the issue of the risks to vultures from the use of plant protection products and veterinary and medical products and poisons. There are meetings with farmers and veterinarians in the areas where the Egyptian Vulture breeds to study in more detail what the practices of using potentially hazardous substances are.

All documents, protocols and suggestions generated during the meeting will be sent to the relevant competent institutions and participants in the meeting. At the end of the year the participants will reunite to make an assessment of the results achieved.

The workshop was part of the activities of the projects "Egyptian Vulture New LIFE" LIFE16 NAT/BG/000874 and "Conservation of the Black and Griffon Vultures in the Trans-border Regions of the Rhodopes" LIFE14 NAT/NL/000901.

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