SPA Tsamanta, Filiaton, Farmakovouni and Megali Rachi mountains

Tsamanta, Filiaton, Farmakovouni and Megali Rachi mountains (GR2120009)
National Name: Ori Tsamanta, Filiaton, Farmakovouni kai Megali Rachi


Map of SPA Tsamanta, Filiaton, Farmakovouni and Megali Rachi mountains

The area is located north of the prefecture of Thesprotia at the border with Albania.

Landscape and biodiversity

Low altitudes are dominated by shrubland and deciduous forests while higher altitudes are covered by extensive pasturelands and interspersed coniferous stands. Rocky outcrops, vertical cliffs and gorges also occur in the area, contributing significantly to habitat diversity.


SPA Tsamanta, Filiaton, Farmakovouni and Megali Rachi mountains (HOS/A. Evangelidis)

An important area for birds of prey. Important bird species in the area are: Ciconia nigra, Falco naumanni, Falco biarmicus, Falco peregrinus, Neophron percnopterus, Circaetus gallicus, Aquila heliaca, Aquila chrysaetos and Hieraaetus fasciatus.

Human activities include livestock breeding, forestry and agriculture.

The main threat is the abandonment of traditional land uses, especially extensive livestock breeding, which has resulted in the forestation of open areas and the reduction of food availability for raptors. Furthermore, the illegal use of poisoned baits has direct impacts on scavenging raptors, while road construction and illegal hunting further degrade the area’s value for the avifauna.

Conservation status
•    SPA: GR2120009 Ori Tsamanta, Filiaton, Farmakovouni, Megali Rachi (19,854 ha, 99 %)
•    WR: Agion Panton, Platanou, Kokkinolithariou, Agiou Nikolaou, Kato Xechorou, Keramitsas, Kryoneriou Dimou Filiaton (1.710 ha, 8 %), Ampelonas, Vavouriou, Mileas Dimou Filiaton (1.673 ha, 8 %), Panagia Kourouza - Makralexi (Lavdanis - Ag. Marinas) (1.378 ha, 6 %)

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