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Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture
18.12.2017To save an endangered species, the Egyptian Vulture, institutions and organisations from 14 countries spanning the Balkans, Middle East and Africa have joined forces proving that political borders do not exist in these efforts. All of them have united under the project "Urgent Actions to Strengthen the Balkan Population of the Egyptian Vulture and Secure Its...
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We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse
01.09.2016Every first Saturday of September is dedicated to one of the most rapidly disappearing birds on the planet - vultures. If the main threats are not identified and resolved quickly and efficiently vultures in Europe and Africa could disappear within our lifetime. On 3th of September - The International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD), the Bulgarian Society for the Protection...
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Successful first flights of the captive-bred Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria
01.09.2016Just few days after the first flight of the juvenile of the only wild pair of Egyptian vulture left in the region of Lomovete (NE Bulgaria), the hack of the three captive-bred fledglings was opened. The juveniles were provided for releasing in the Rusenski Lom Nature Park from the Zoos in Prague , Vienna and Paris , in the frame of the...
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Rescue mission for the only and last young Egyptian Vulture in Lomovete
11.09.2015On the 08.09.2015, a joint expedition between BSPB , Nature Park “Rusenski Lom” , Speleology club “Helictit” and the Regional Environmental and Water Inspection “Ruse” was set to save the only and last young Egyptian Vulture in Rusenski Lom. The bird, emblematically named Zhoro Manev, was admitted and hospitalized in the Wildlife...
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How we will celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day in Bulgaria
26.08.2015The Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds ( BSPB ) within of the LIFE + project "The Return of the Neophron" will celebrate in three cities of the country the International Vulture Awareness Day - September 5 (Saturday). In the BSPB Nature Conservation Center " Eastern Rhodopes " the event will be organized with the support of the Municipality of Madjarovo and...
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Two adult Egyptian vultures were tagged with satellite transmitters in Bulgaria
05.08.2015Two more vultures were equipped with satellite transmitters in Bulgaria – this time these were adult birds. Until 2015, in total 20 Egyptian vultures (18 juveniles: 8 in Bulgaria, 7 in Greece, 2 in FYR of Macedonia, and 1 in Albania; and 2 adults in Greece) were tagged with satellite transmitters in the frame of the LIFE+ project “The Return of the...