Another trail camera installed in Greece

Climbing to install the camera (WWF/A. Venetakis)

In few days we welcome the Egyptian vultures coming back from Africa. Last week a trail camera was installed in Nea Santa nest (Thrace, NE Greece) by the WWF team. The camera was installed in the same nest in 2012, but the couple finally chose another, smaller nest in the neighborhood not appropriate to install camera. Although the birds nested in other niche, they visited the nest with the camera several times. We wish this year they will select their old and large nest and we will secure useful photographs.

The information gathered due to the nest camera in conjunction with the pellets and food remains collected (bones, feathers, tortoises' carapaces etc.) from the nests will accomplish the knowledge of Egyptian vulture diet. Only the collection of food remains and pellets seems to be not enough due to the fact that birds very often feed their offspring with soft tissues which after are completely digested.

Watch video

The camouflaged camera (WWF/E. Kret)
Our biologist/climber E. Kret (WWF/A. Venetakis)
Useful information
Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse

We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse