Come together to welcome spring and… the Egyptian Vulture
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- Come together to welcome spring and… the Egyptian Vulture

Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds together with the Regional Inspectorate of Environment and Water – Rousse celebrated on the 14th of March 2013 in Rousse the coming of spring under the slogan:
Come together to welcome spring and… the Egyptian Vulture
The beginning of spring is connected to one of the most exciting and mysterious phenomena in the world of birds - their migration. Every year they travel thousands of miles to reach places with warmer climates. And again at the end of winter, they take the same way back to us.
Migration makes the survival of birds possible, yet it is extremely risky for them. During the long flight or surviving in the wintering areas some of them do not pass through.
How do these places look like? What are the first species to return? Why do we connect the coming of the spring with them?
The initiative of BSPB and RIEW-Rousse, dedicated to answering these questions, was addressed simultaneously to two audiences - children and adults.
Stimulated by the gripping story of PhD Stoyan Nikolov about the life of Egyptian Vultures and the species included in the campaign “Spring Live”, students from third grade of the Secondary School with the Study of European Languages “St. Constantine-Cyril the Philosopher”, Rousse, decorated in the "Art Workshop" silhouettes of these birds through the technique of decoupage.
The second part of the program was devoted to presenting the results of the project „Urgent measures to secure the survival of The Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Bulgaria and Greece”.
At the northernmost point of the population of Egyptian Vulture in Bulgaria the presentation by PhD Stoyan Nikolov “Egyptian vultures of The Dark Continent: third BSPB expedition to Ethiopia” brought together representatives of the institutions in the region, working for the protection of the species, as well as nature lovers.