Spring is coming on vulture’s wings

Lazaros is coming home

Winter has come to its end and the earth awakens for a new life. The weather is warming, the trees are blooming and we are waiting the arrival of the first spring messengers. Storks and swallows are already arriving and very soon in the vastness of the Bulgarian and Greek sky we will see the first Egyptian vultures which will bring the spring on their wings. After half a year spent in the hot savannas of Central Africa the time for the great north migration to the breeding grounds has come. A couple of days ago Lazaros, the Greek Egyptian vulture, left his winter quarters in Central Chad and started his journey. Lazaros is the only adult from nine Egyptian vultures that were tagged with satellite transmitters in 2012 under the Life+ project “The Return of the Neophron”.  For the last 5 days our traveler has passed almost 1000 km and continues. Very soon Lazaros and the other Egyptian vultures will cross the endless sands of Sahara, will pass over Nile, will fly over forests, open meadows and high mountains in a 4000km journey over three continents and finally will arrive in their breeding grounds. Migration is going to be long and exhausting so let’s wish them tailwind and safe journey!

Useful information
Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse

We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse