A new nest camera was installed in Meteora

Climbing down to the nest (HOS/V. Saravia)

This week HOS field staff installed a nest camera in an Egyptian vulture's nest in the area of Meteora-Antichasia. Until quite recently, this area held one of largest population concentrations of the species in Greece, whereas nowadays only four nests remain.

 Meteora is famous worldwide for its impressive rock formations that can reach several hundred meters of height. Egyptian vultures also like these rocks as they are perfect nesting sites. Reaching these nests to install a camera is no easy task, but the mission was finally completed successfully with the help of Giorgos Koukis, HOS member and expert climber!

The camera will help us study the pair's diet and most importantly, identify possible reasons for breeding failure such as disturbance or predation by other birds or small mammals.

A nest camera was already installed last year in another nest in Meteora. Unfortunately, practically no data could be collected as the nesting pair was poisoned not two weeks after arriving to Greece from their long trip from Africa.


Meteora (HOS/V.Saravia)
Useful information
Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse

We’ll celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day with events in Haskovo, Madzharovo and Ruse