Three Egyptian Vultures were admitted at the Wildlife Rescue Centre of Green Balkans
23.12.2017- Home
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- Three Egyptian Vultures were admitted at the Wildlife Rescue Centre of Green Balkans

At Christmas eve the team of the Wildlife Rescue Centre of Green Balkans received three Egyptian Vultures as a gift.
The birds, granted by Prague Zoo, arrived on December 22nd and were admitted at the recovery room of the Rescue Centre for several days of quarantine.
All three birds are young. Within the “Egyptian Vulture New LIFE” Project, they will stay at the Rescue Centre until the arrival of spring. Then, following a specific methodology, the vultures will be released into the wild.
These actions are not random. Egyptian Vultures are migratory species. Scientific data shows that there is a huge mortality of juveniles during their first years of migration. This is why these birds will be retained at the Centre and released in spring, when the wild vultures have already come back from their winter quarters. This is how our youngsters will have sufficient time to adapt and prepare for their long journey in autumn, when they will hopefully join and follow adult, more experienced birds.
Тhe Green Balkans team is deeply grateful to the colleagues from Zoo Prague for their kind cooperation and trust!