The students of Thrace and their active fight for the Egyptian vulture conservation
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- The students of Thrace and their active fight for the Egyptian vulture conservation

Our young fellow citizens seem to be aware of the important harmonious co-existence with the environment by proving to us that they are permanent and precious partners in the difficult, challenging but also beautiful battle to protect the last Egyptian vultures. The young generation with their vitality and passion is motivated to sensitize the local communities about the nature conservation, including rare and endangered species.
Three years ago, the students of Evros and Rhodope regions next to whom the Egyptian vulture nests and brings up the chicks, placed signboards along forest and rural roads in order to raise awareness among citizens of this area about the threat of illegal use of poison baits poses the life of this endangered vulture. A month ago, they proved that they have been keeping their promise of protecting the Egyptian vulture. In order to replace the old signboards that had been destroyed through the years, they constructed seven new ones and place them with the collaboration of the WWF team in the region of Dadia National Park, especially in the villages of Lefkimi, Giannouli and the town of Soufli.
Thus, they will persist in reminding to local people the urgency of stopping the use of poison baits due to their harmful consequences to the environment, especially threating the life of so rare and extraordinary bird as it is the Egyptian vulture. Thus, we are very lucky to have it still next to us in summer season.
The active and creative support of our young friends does not stop here, but it continues with brand new ideas and the involvement of more schools in the Evros and Rhodope region. The main scope is to share and spread widely among people the message for collaboration and individual responsibility of human activities and co-existence with the nature without damaging it.