Τελευταία τοποθεσία μαρκαρισμένων Ασπροπάρηδων
- Lom (26.8-15.9.2016) (03/10/2016)
Lom (26.8-15.9.2016)

Lom is a captive-bred Egyptian vulture, originating from a Turkish population, hatched on 6.6.2016 and raised in Vienna zoo. It was provided to BSPB for releasing in Bulgaria on 10th of August by Praha Zoo within the framework of the European Endangered Species Programmes (EEP) of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA), under the close collaboration with the Vulture Conservation Foundation (VCF). Lom was released on 25th of August by using the hacking method in the Nature Park "Rusenski Lom" and in collaboration with Green Balkans. It made his first flight in the same day and for two weeks it stayed in an area within 15 km around the hack, regularly visiting the supplementary feeding site. On 6.9.2016 Lom started to migrate south.
Interestingly, it followed her sister Regina almost exactly in her footsteps, a few days later. Unlike Regina, he had crossed the Marmara Sea through the Marmara islands – and not through the Dardanelles, and migrated through Central Anatolia rather than following the coast. On the 13th September Lom entered into the sea from the same place (Adrasan) that Regina used, reaching the western coast of Cyprus, where it spent the night. The next day he continued to fly south over the sea, almost reaching the Israeli coast (some 40 km away), but then veered southwest and continued to fly 150 km more, where in the evening drowned off near Egypt.
During his, unfortunately unsuccessful, migration Lom flew over 1,500 km south for 8 days, with average speed ca. 200 km per day. Over 500 km she flew over the sea, where finally she died (Many juvenile Egyptian vultures drawn into the sea during their first migration - you can read more on this subject here )