Τελευταία τοποθεσία μαρκαρισμένων Ασπροπάρηδων
- Iliaz (07-21.01.2018) (29/01/2018)
Iliaz (07-21.01.2018)

Iliaz, tagged in 2012 in the Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria, on the second year of his stay in Africa, he decided to move in Chad. In early May 2014 he moved through Libya and Egypt and after 8 thousand kilometers he established in Niger. In June 2014 Iliaz took 4500km journey from Niger through Chad and Libia, as far as Egypt and back, crossing large areas of Sahara. In the beginning of 2015, Iliaz was staing in small area, between Niger and Chad. In April 2015, he left Niger, spent some the summer in Egypt. In October 2015, he came back in Chad and spent the winter near the border with the Central African Republic. This is the only one of the tagged juveniles that never left Africa after its first migration from the Balkans (three years). At late March 2016, Iliaz moved from Chad and on 23 April crossed the Bosphorus. After almost four years Ilyaz returned to the Balkans for the first time, reaching the Bucharest. Then he was on a tour of southwestern Bulgaria (reaching down to Pirin mountain) and Greek Thrace (under Xanthi - Komotini - Soufli), before he returned permanently in the Eastern Rhodopes (sticking mostly to the area of Studen Klatenec). Started the autumn migration in 2016 on 26th of August and a month later reached Afar, Ethiopia where settled for more than a month. On 9/10/2016 strated to fly north, crossing Erithrea and entering Sudan, where sattled northeast of Khartoum, some 50 km away from the River Nile.