Τελευταία τοποθεσία μαρκαρισμένων Ασπροπάρηδων
- Jenny (14-27.01.2018) (29/01/2018)
Jenny (14-27.01.2018)

Jenny is аn adult female Egyptian vulture from Eastern Rhodopes, Bulgaria. She was tagged in the second half of July. She is named to Jenny Weston (from RSPB), who together with Ewan Weston (from RSPB) and Dr. Mike McGrady (from International Avian Research), helped for trapping the vulture. Jenny staretd her migration in September 2015 and with Boris (the other adult vulture, tagged in 2015) reached their wintering grounds after traveling together to Syria. There they separated and Jenny headed for Chad while Boris flew to Ethiopia. Jenny spent the winer in central Chad. She left her winter ground in Chad on 20th March but a big sandstorm in Egypt delay her for a week. Meanwhile her partner returned in early April, while Jenny crossed the Dardanelles on April 15 - a time during which he found another female. After reaching the nesting territory she was repulsed by her last year's partner and the other female. Jenny could not find a partner and began wandering around the Eastern Rhodopes. In early summer she spent some time in National Park Dadia, Greece, then returned permanently in Bulgaria and sticks mainly around the area of Studen Kladenec and Haskovo, where repeatedly visited the city dump. She started migration on 19/8/2016 from the Eastern Rhodopes, where she has been settled during the summer. She flew through Istanbul and crossed Bosphorus. In Turkey, similarly to Dobromir, stayed for a while (22-23/8/2016) for refueling in the area of Polatli, and similarly to Sanie flew some 300 km on the east of the coast of Adana and Iskenderun, passing near the Ataturk Reservoir. She flew through Syria, Jordan, Israel, Egypt (crossed the Suez Channel on 2/9/2016 and crossed Nile near Asut on the next day). In the next week she flew over 1,600 km and on 8/9/2016 reached her final wintering destination – Chad. Since 13/9/2016 she settled in the area of Batha, NE of Fitri Lake. Overall, she flew ca. 5,000 km for 25 days, with in average 200 km daily run.