Κυριότερα Νέα

Συμμαχία για την καταπολέμηση των δηλητηριασμένων δολωμάτων στην Ήπειρο


Με μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε η συνάντηση εργασίας για την...

Επιδιορθώσεις στο Κέντρο Περίθαλψης Άγριων Ζώων


Just a few days ago reconstruction works for two aviaries  - future home for Egyptian vultures - has started in the Wildlife Rescue centre. The works are part of "Egyptian vulture New LIFE" project's action: Establishment of Balkan captive breeding population of Egyptian vultures for recovery of breeding populations in Bulgaria and Greece. 14 countries...

Η μοίρα των πρώτων αναπαραγόμενων σε αιχμαλωσία Ασπροπάρηδων που απελευθερώθηκαν στη Βουλγαρία


Elodie, the last of the first three captive-bred Egyptian Vultures, tagged with satellite transmitters and released in the wild in 2016, died. Elodie was the second documented case of tagged juvenile Egyptian vulture that crossed successfully the Mediterranean Sea from the Balkans. This happened during her first migration.  She was wintering in Niger where in...

Παρακολούθηση της μετανάστευσης των Ασπροπάρηδων στα Αντικύθηρα (Ορνιθολογικός Σταθμός Αντικυθήρων)


New Technical Report, created under the LIFE project “Egyptian vulture New LIFE” presents data from the monitoring of Egyptian vultures on Antikythira island in Greece, held in August and September 2017. Antikythira is a small island of the Aegean Sea, located between Kythira and Crete in South Greece. The island serves as a leading line for migrating...

Λίγα λόγια για τους «αγωνιστές» μας


Μόνο 5 από τους 27 Ασπροπάρηδες στους οποίους τοποθετήθηκε...

A new pair of Egyptian Vultures is about to form at the aviaries of the Rescue Centre of Green Balkans


For a few months the team of the Rescue Centre of Green Balkans has been particularly interested in the young Egyptian Vultures living in one of the aviaries of the Centre. Two of the birds quite impressed us. They definitely show more intensive interactions, staying close to each other almost the entire time and also close to the artificial nesting platform installed...