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Ένα μεγάλο βήμα για τη σωτηρία του Ασπροπάρη


Συνάντηση εργασίας για την ανάπτυξη Τοπικού Σχεδίου Δράσης υλοποίησε...

Νέο σπίτι για τους Ασπροπάρηδες στο Κέντρο Περίθαλψης και Αναπαραγωγής Άγριων Ζώων των Green Balkans


A few days ago the renovating of an aviary in the Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre was completed, which is going to be the home of new pairs of Egyptian vultures, formed in the Centre's stock aviaries. The renovating, part of the "Egyptian Vulture New LIFE" Project, will give our team the opportunity to monitor closely the newly formed pairs, which the experts...

Δεύτερο αβγό απέκτησε το ζευγάρι Ασπροπάρηδων στο Κέντρο Περίθαλψης και Αναπαραγωγής των Green Balkans!


Six days after laying their first egg, the pair Egyptian vultures in the Green Balkans' Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre have a second one! The joyful event was made known via the CCTV cameras mounted in the birds' aviary. We're reminding that, in case of a successful breeding season, the hatchlings will be released in the wild as a part of Green Balkans'...

Tο ζευγάρι Ασπροπάρηδων στο Κέντρο Περίθαλψης και Αναπαραγωγής των Green Balkans απέκτησε ένα αβγό!


Two days ago, via our CCTV cameras, the team from the Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre - Green Balkans saw an egg in the Egyptian vultures pair's nest. It was seen after a number of copulations were recorded by the very same cameras. We are hoping that, unlike last year when the vultures had two, but unfertilized eggs, this year they'll please us with...

Η Ισπανία προσέφερε ως δώρο έναν Ασπροπάρη στη φύση της Βουλγαρίας!


The one-year-old bird, hatched in the Jerez Zoo, will be flying in the Bulgarian skies after a short stay in the adaptation aviary in the Eastern Rhodopes! On April 12, a team of Green Balkans, part of the project “Egyptian Vulture new LIFE” spent all day at the cargo terminal of Sofia Airport waiting for the precious gift - a young Egyptian vulture. The bird...

Οι ασπροπάρηδες τη Θράκης έχουν τους πιστούς τους προστάτες


Για πέμπτη χρονιά, μαζί με τον ερχομό του ασπροπάρη, με μεγάλη χαρά και εμείς...