Η πόρτα της τεχνητής φωλιάς είναι πλέον ανοιχτή
Yesterday, a team of the"Egyptian vulture New LIFE" project opened the door of the adaptation aviary (hack) where the two vultures form the Prague and Zlin Zoos have been preparing for wildlife for ten days. They are already at the age at which most of the wild juveniles leave the nests, so the two Egyptian vultures are expected in the coming days to dare to leave the hack. The team has left food for them on nearby rocks and on the feeding station near the artificial nest.
The two birds are in excellent health and, after the opening the door, spent the afternoon on the doorstep of their home, strongly interested in the vastness of their space. They are already actively preparing for their first flight by waving whit wings and jumping.
We remind that on August 10, a team of BSPB and Green Balkans placed the two birds in the specially adapted nest near Madzharovo. Before the placement, the two young Egyptian vultures were tagged with satellite transmitters to track their movements after the release and during their first migration to Africa. The experimental "hacking" method - adaptation to the wild life of captive-bred vultures trough an artificial nest, aims to strengthen the endangered population of the Egyptian vulture on the Balkans.
The activity is part of a 5-year experimental programme for active management of the critically endangered Egyptian Vulture population in the Balkans in order to increase the breeding success and survival of the young individuals. It is carried out by a team of BSPB and Green Balkans within the framework of the LIFE project "Egyptian Vulture New LIFE", which brings together institutions and organizations from 14 countries spanning the Balkans, Middle East and Africa. The two Egyptian vultures have been donated to the project with the assistance of Anton Vaidl - coordinator of the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP) of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA), and with the assistance of VCF.