Νεοσσός Ασπροπάρη εκκολάφθηκε για πρώτη φορά στα κλουβιά του Κέντρου Περίθαλψης και Αναπαραγωγής Άγριων Ζώων!
04.06.2018- ΑΡΧΙΚΗ
- Νεα
- Νεοσσός Ασπροπάρη εκκολάφθηκε για πρώτη φορά στα κλουβιά του Κέντρου Περίθαλψης και Αναπαραγωγής Άγριων Ζώων!

The young bird is an offspring of a pair from the Centre, which for a second consecutive year was trying to breed. On 29 May the chick was hatched, after the Green Balkans team noticed a hole on one of the two eggs in the birds' nest the previous day.
After consulting Anton Vaidl from the Prague Zoo, who is in charge of the Egyptian Vultures in the EAZA system, the team visited the nest on the day after the hatching. The young one was weighted, examined and fed, just in case.
A day after that, the team of the Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre checked on the chick again and was determined it is in good health and fed by the parents. The team took the second egg and just in case is keeping it in an incubator, where it will be monitored. We are hoping it will hatch, and in that case, it'll be returned to the parents.
All these activities in Green Balkans' Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre are part of the ' Egyptian Vulture NEW Life’ project, in which the organisation is partnering.