About The Project The Return of the Neophron

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  • About The Project The Return of the Neophron

Title: Urgent measures to secure the survival of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Bulgaria and Greece

Project code: LIFE10 NAT/BG/000152

Short name: “The Return of the Neophron”

Goal: Prevent extinction of the Egyptian vulture in Bulgaria and Greece.

Duration: 5 years, 01.10.2011 - 31.12.2016

Target areas: 27 Natura 2000 zones (12 in Bulgaria and 15 in Greece)


Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for The Protection of Birds (BSPB)

Partners: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS); World Wildlife Fund-Greece (WWF); Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)


The project actions will directly address all confirmed threats that face Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria and Greece that contribute to the long-term decline of this endangered species:

• Knowledge of the mortality factors affecting the Balkan breeding population is significantly improved;
• Satellite telemetry of 40 juvenile and adult Egyptian vultures builds knowledge of the migration routes and wintering areas of the Balkan breeding population;
• Illegal poison has a reduced impact as a mortality factor in project Natura sites;
• Significant amounts of safe food provided through a series of delivery methods;
• Value of supplementary feeding to improve breeding success better understood;
• Disturbance and direct persecution affecting the Egyptian vulture are reduced;
• Mechanisms tested to prevent bird crime affecting Egyptian vultures;
• Risk of mortality from collision or electrocution reduced;
• Support for Egyptian vulture conservation increases measurably among key Audiences;
• The Greek National Species Action Plan for the Egyptian vulture is published;
• Networking with stakeholders improves the extent and effectiveness of experts and partners along the flyway to conserve the Balkan breeding population.

Expected results:

• Increase knowledge of mortality factors affecting the Balkan breeding population;
• Increase knowledge of migration routes and wintering areas through satellite telemetry;
• Increase the availability of safe food for Egyptian vultures;
• Improve breeding success by providing supplementary feeding;
• Reduce the mortality risk due to linear infrastructure development;
• Increase awareness of and support for Egyptian vulture conservation;
• Facilitate networking with other stakeholders.


The EC programme LIFE+
The A.G. Leventis Foundation



Contacts for Bulgaria:

Stoyan C. Nikolov, Ph.D.
Project Manager

Contacts for Greece:

Victoria Saravia

Theodora Skartsi

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The breeding performance of the Egyptian Vulture population in Bulgaria is among the highest in Europe

The breeding performance of the Egyptian Vulture population in Bulgaria is among the highest in Europe

The door of the artificial nest is now open

The door of the artificial nest is now open

Congregation of Egyptian vulture floaters observed at Studen Kladenets feeding station this year

Congregation of Egyptian vulture floaters observed at Studen Kladenets feeding station this year