About The Project The Return of the Neophron
Title: Urgent measures to secure the survival of the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Bulgaria and Greece
Project code: LIFE10 NAT/BG/000152
Short name: “The Return of the Neophron”
Goal: Prevent extinction of the Egyptian vulture in Bulgaria and Greece.
Duration: 5 years, 01.10.2011 - 31.12.2016
Target areas: 27 Natura 2000 zones (12 in Bulgaria and 15 in Greece)
Coordinating beneficiary: Bulgarian Society for The Protection of Birds (BSPB)
Partners: Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS); World Wildlife Fund-Greece (WWF); Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
The project actions will directly address all confirmed threats that face Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria and Greece that contribute to the long-term decline of this endangered species:
• Knowledge of the mortality factors affecting the Balkan breeding population is significantly improved;
• Satellite telemetry of 40 juvenile and adult Egyptian vultures builds knowledge of the migration routes and wintering areas of the Balkan breeding population;
• Illegal poison has a reduced impact as a mortality factor in project Natura sites;
• Significant amounts of safe food provided through a series of delivery methods;
• Value of supplementary feeding to improve breeding success better understood;
• Disturbance and direct persecution affecting the Egyptian vulture are reduced;
• Mechanisms tested to prevent bird crime affecting Egyptian vultures;
• Risk of mortality from collision or electrocution reduced;
• Support for Egyptian vulture conservation increases measurably among key Audiences;
• The Greek National Species Action Plan for the Egyptian vulture is published;
• Networking with stakeholders improves the extent and effectiveness of experts and partners along the flyway to conserve the Balkan breeding population.
Expected results:
• Increase knowledge of mortality factors affecting the Balkan breeding population;
• Increase knowledge of migration routes and wintering areas through satellite telemetry;
• Increase the availability of safe food for Egyptian vultures;
• Improve breeding success by providing supplementary feeding;
• Reduce the mortality risk due to linear infrastructure development;
• Increase awareness of and support for Egyptian vulture conservation;
• Facilitate networking with other stakeholders.
The EC programme LIFE+
The A.G. Leventis Foundation
Contacts for Bulgaria:
Stoyan C. Nikolov, Ph.D.
Project Manager
Contacts for Greece:
Victoria Saravia
Theodora Skartsi
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