Wildlife Crime Seminars


17 wildlife crime seminars and workshops with custom officers and police at border checkpoints were held so far (7 in Bulgaria and 9 in Greece). Nine more meetings were held with Bulgarian (6) and Greek (3) Ministries and other relevant institutions on bird crime issues. A total of 352 officials from relevant authorities took part in the events (234 in Bulgaria and 118 in Greece). Out of them 127 were Custom Officers (34 in Bulgaria and 93 in Greece).

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The breeding performance of the Egyptian Vulture population in Bulgaria is among the highest in Europe

The breeding performance of the Egyptian Vulture population in Bulgaria is among the highest in Europe

The door of the artificial nest is now open

The door of the artificial nest is now open

Congregation of Egyptian vulture floaters observed at Studen Kladenets feeding station this year

Congregation of Egyptian vulture floaters observed at Studen Kladenets feeding station this year