News Archive

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Status of the illegal use of poison baits in Greece (2012-2015)


Despite being banned since 1993, the use of poison baits is a common practice in Greek rural areas threatening with extinction a long list of protected species. During the period 2012-2015, the Greek Antipoison Task Force recorded in total of 163 events and conducted analysis aiming to shed some light on the consequences, reasons and factors driving this practice. The...

Feeding Egyptian vultures in Greece: an ongoing effort


Autumn is here and Egyptian vultures have already left their breeding grounds in Greece and Bulgaria and are heading to their "wintering holiday destinations" in Africa (Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad...). Fieldwork has mostly finished until next season. And we say "mostly", because there are still some jobs to do; they might not be as attractive as monitoring a nest or trapping and...



On 3/10/2016 Elodie spent the night at the easternmost point of Peloponnese peninsula. On 4/10/2016 she started to migrate early in the morning (6:00) reaching the Kythira island (20 km away) and at 8:00 she entered into the sea. Then Elodie did a great journey flying 480 km straight over the sea for 12 hours and landed in the northeastern coast of Libya at 20:00....

Update on the tagged wild Egyptian vultures from Bulgaria and Greece


Since 2012, a total of 27 Egyptian vultures were tagged under The Return of the Neophron project (out of them 3 were captive-bred birds tagged in 2016). Currently only 7 birds are still alive: Iliaz (out of 9 birds tagged in 2012 ; 1 adult and 8 juveniles ), Sanie (out of 10 juvenile birds tagged in 2013), Aoos, Boris and Jenny ( adults - all of them tagged...

Sad news about the migration of the captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in Bulgaria


In September, Regina, Lom and Elodie – the three captive-bred Egyptian vultures released in Bulgaria on 25 th of August, started their migration. Two of the birds - Regina and Lom (brother and sister with Turkish origin) started migration in early September. They followed very similar itinerary but few days apart, through Turkey and...

The new issue 6 of the project Newsletter is ready


The sixth consecutive issue of the Newsletter, created within the LIFE + project "The Return of the Neophron" is ready. Оur regular e-newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with our work and everything that's going on in "The Return of the Neophron" project. This new issue is dedicated to key results of the project activities. Sign up by sending an email to...