Waiting for the family to come back
11.03.2014- Home
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- Waiting for the family to come back

Despite its caprices, March marks the beginning of spring and the first storks have already arrived one the Balkans. Soon their example will be followed by the tireless traveler – Egyptian vulture.
This year the first vulture for Europe arrived on the 17th of February in Spain. We expect Egyptian vultures to arrive in Bulgaria during the second half of March.
Meanwhile the teams of the LIFE+ Project “The Return of the Neophron” are preparing for the new field work’s season. In Provadia we install for third year an observing camera in the niche, where the bird pair nests. The installing is not an easy work but it is worth the efforts – everybody can observe birds’ behavior in real time on our project’s website.
We mask the camera with natural materials – mainly stones from the rock. Thus we do not disturb the newly arrived parents and are able to observe their natural behavior during the nesting season.
What we may do now is hoping the bird pair will successfully return from Africa and choose the same old niche for their nest.