BSPB is organizing information meetings with farmers in Varna region

Meeting with farmers


Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) is organizing informational meetings with farmers near Varna – in Dalgopol, Provadia and Avren. The main reason is the need to clarify the opportunities for applying for some of the new agri-environmental actions on measure 214 – Agri-environmental Payments from the Rural Development Programme for the period 2007-2013 in Bulgaria, which are Conservation of the habitats of the Egyptian Vulture, the Imperial Eagle and the wintering species of goose. The meetings are open to all interested citizens of the region and will be held as follows:

On the 19th of March (Tuesday) at 10:00 am at Provadia City Hall, Hall No. 119, Dunav str., 39 in Provadia

On the 19th of March (Tuesday) at 2:00 pm at Dalgopol City Hall, Town Council Hall – building 2, G. Dimitrov str.,         105 in Dalgopol

On the 20th of March (Wednesday) at 10:00 am in the boardroom of Avren City Hall in Avren


The meetings are the result of preliminary talks between BSPB experts and local farmers as part of their work on the project “Support for the Egyptian Vulture”, sponsored by Life + Programme of the European Union and A. G. Leventis Foundation. During the meetings will be presented up-to-date information regarding the opportunities and requirements of application for the new agri-environmental actions on measure 214 – Agri-environmental Payments, and measure 213 - Natura 2000 payments on agricultural land. Presented will be also practical opportunities for the conservation and sustainable management of protected areas of national ecological network Natura 2000 – Provadia-Royak Plateau, Varna-Beloslav Lake, Kamchia resort and Kamchiyska Mountain. 

At the meetings have been invited also representatives of the state administration at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food - Regional Directorate "Agriculture" – Varna, and State Fund "Agriculture" – Varna. 

Stakeholders on the subject will have the opportunity to ask questions about issues encountered when applying for the measures by now.  

Contact: Edita Difova, Phone: 0878599385, e-mail:


Useful information
Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

Alliance along 14 countries to ensure a safe migration flyway for the Egyptian Vulture

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