The Egyptian vultures in Green Balkans' Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre have a new home

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  • The Egyptian vultures in Green Balkans' Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre have a new home
© Green Balkans

A few days ago the renovating of an aviary in the Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Centre was completed, which is going to be the home of new pairs of Egyptian vultures, formed in the Centre's stock aviaries.

The renovating, part of the "Egyptian Vulture New LIFE" Project, will give our team the opportunity to monitor closely the newly formed pairs, which the experts will separate from the general flock of the young Egyptian vultures in the Centre, so these pairs can later easily be transferred to other centers or zoos in the country and Europe.

The hatchlings of these birds will be released in Bulgaria, in aid of the wild population of the species in the country and in Europe.

© Green Balkans
© Green Balkans
Useful information
Where is B14?

Where is B14?

The breeding performance of the Egyptian Vulture population in Bulgaria is among the highest in Europe

The breeding performance of the Egyptian Vulture population in Bulgaria is among the highest in Europe