A preliminary inventory of dangerous electrical poles for electrocution of Egyptian vultures
04.04.2012- Home
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- A preliminary inventory of dangerous electrical poles for electrocution of Egyptian vultures
In the context of the LIFE action with the title “Identify potentially damaging electricity infrastructure to Egyptian vulture”, we implemented a preliminary mapping of all the electrical poles in a polygon of 5km around one of the active nests of Egyptian vulture in the National Park of Dadia Forest (SPA 1110002) according to the method and the guide provided by BSPB-BirdLife Bulgaria. We walked under the power lines and mapped all the electrical pylons classifying them according to their importance for the electrocution hazard for birds. 80 out of the 220 recorded pylons were classified in the critical pylons for electrocution. This preliminary work helped us to classify the Greek pylons which are somehow different than the Bulgarian ones and create a Greek protocol. This work will be done for another 5 nests in Thrace, close to power lines in order to determine the final number of pylons, which will be insulated with the financial support of this LIFE project.
Dangerous pylon for electrocution (WWF/J. Gracia)