On the International Children's Day a baby Egyptian vulture has hatched in the nest with the online video camera
02.06.2016- Home
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- On the International Children's Day a baby Egyptian vulture has hatched in the nest with the online video camera
On the International Children's Day a baby Egyptian vulture has hatched in the nest with the online video camera. Anyone can watch the hatchling in real-time on the site of the LIFE+ project “The Return of the Neophron”: www.LifeNeophron.eu
The nesting niche with the installed by the project team camera is located near Provadia. The camera for online observing of Egyptian vultures’ nest is the only of its kind in the world and provides us with valuable information for the behavior and feeding of these world endangered birds, which is needed for their better preservation. The camera has been installed for fifth consecutive year and since then the first baby vulture has always hatched in early June.
The baby is one of the last remaining Egyptian vultures in Bulgaria. This species is the quickest vanishing birds of prey in Europe, as the population in the Balkans for the past 30 years has decreased by over 80%. Main reasons for this are the use of poisons, pesticides and rodenticides in agriculture, electric shock, habitat loss, illegal shooting, and nest robbing.